The Straight Egyptian horse moves the needle in purity, elegance, class and enduring value. Explore the articles linked below to learn more about the Egyptian Arabian horse and its desert legacy, then CLICK HERE to find out, "What is Straight Egyptian?"

Neck arched, Nostrils flaring...

...racing across the sands of time, he takes the imagination captive. With breathtaking beauty, intelligence, and stamina appears the ancient, the father of all breeds: The Arabian Horse – born of the desert wind...

...Pure, Courageous, Loyal and True...

...on the merciless terrain of the Arabian Desert, he was bred for strength, bred to last. Loyal in battle, he was a prized warhorse. Blessed with affection of women and children in the black tents of Bedouin families, he was ever kind and loving.

King-maker of the East, the Arabian horse altered human history and reshaped the face of the world. Harnessing horse to chariot, the Pharaohs of the Nile Valley dazzled a world far beyond their own borders...

...Majestic and Noble...

...on seal rings and stone pillars; in tombs and temples… from Egyptian hieroglyphics to sacred scriptures… history bears witness to his majesty and strength. Thou shallst fly without wings and conquer without swords, quotes the noble Qur’an. The Egyptian Arabian horse is a legendary animal, in all its beauty - so lovely and wonderful that he fascinates young and old alike...

...Timeless and Enduring...

...in the early 19th century, the ruling families of Egypt gathered the finest horses from the deserts of Arabia and brought them to the land of the Pyramids. This extraordinary collection, unrivaled since the time of King Solomon, became the foundation for the modern-day Egyptian Arabian...

...from East to West...

...between 1895 and the mid-1980’s, some of the finest Arabians to be found along the Nile were exported to the United States. Those individuals and their desert ancestors form the nucleus of the Egyptian Arabian bloodlines in present-day North America. Today, horses from these rare and treasured bloodlines are carefully preserved to retain their unique qualities and a classic refinement valued worldwide.